Treating Hearing Loss Could Improve Mobility & Quality of Life | Los Gatos Audiology
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Hearing Aids Tailored To Your Life!


Over 10,000 lives transformed
since 1996 in Silicon Valley

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Hearing Aids Tailored To Your Life!


Over 10,000 lives transformed
since 1996 in Silicon Valley

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Hearing Aids Tailored To Your Life!


Over 10,000 lives transformed
since 1996 in Silicon Valley

Did you know that hearing loss can impact mobility? Studies show that people with hearing loss were more than twice as likely to limit their movements compared to people without hearing loss. Though nearly 1 in 6 people live with some degree of hearing loss, only a third of people who could benefit from treatment receive it. This highlights the widespread inaction when it comes to addressing hearing loss symptoms. Untreated hearing loss not only strains hearing and communication but also takes a toll on mobility and quality of life. Fortunately, there are effective treatment options that alleviate these effects and profoundly improve everyday life, health, and wellness. 

Impact of Hearing Loss on Mobility 

Research shows that hearing loss can impact physical health in several ways. This includes reducing mobility and movement. A few studies that highlight this include the following: 

  • Study by University of Jyväskylä and the University of Tampere. Researchers in Finland examined the link between hearing loss and mobility. They did this by assessing 848 people, ages 75-90. After two years of evaluation, researchers found that people with hearing loss were more than twice as likely to limit their movements compared to people without hearing loss. 
  • Study Published in JAMA Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery.  This study looks at the link between hearing loss and depressive symptoms. Researchers collected and assessed data from 18,318 people and found that the prevalence of moderate to severe depression was: 
  • 4.9% for individuals reporting excellent hearing
  • 11.4% for people who reported a little to greater hearing loss 

This shows that people with hearing loss were more than twice as likely to experience 

depressive symptoms. These findings support extensive research that shows a 

correlation between hearing loss and depressive symptoms. 

  • Study Published on Clear Living. This healthcare and lifestyle platform evaluated the impact of hearing loss on social wellness. Researchers surveyed 3,767 people and found that the majority of participants listed social and interpersonal issues as the most significant impact of hearing loss. A few of their findings include:  
  • 39% of participants claimed that their conversations had declined or were harder to follow.
  • 35% struggled being out with friends in public places.

This data shows the impact hearing loss has on communication as well as capacity to 

participate in social interactions. 

These studies reveal that hearing loss impacts communication, wellness, relationships and more. These effects often lead to social withdrawal as a way to cope with untreated symptoms. Social withdrawal means spending less time with loved ones, participating less in activities and hobbies, and skipping out on social gatherings. This contributes to the development of depressive symptoms as well as reduces mobility. 

Hearing Aids Improve Mobility & Quality of Life

It is important to know that you can access effective treatment that offers life-changing benefits. Treating hearing loss improves hearing health as well as mobility and quality of life. The most common treatment for hearing loss is hearing aids. These electronic devices are designed to absorb, amplify, and process speech as well as sound. This alleviates symptoms and maximizes one’s capacity to hear, offering major benefits that improve mobility and quality of life including: 

  • Strengthens communication: hearing aids provide the ears and brain with ample support, making it easier to hear. This allows people to navigate conversations more comfortably and smoothly. 
  • Improves relationships: strengthened communication also improves relationships. Hearing aids support effective communication, spending quality time with others, and participating in everyday activities with loved ones easier. This supports closeness and quality time which improves relationships. 
  • Enriches social life: hearing aids help reduce background noise which is especially useful in social settings which tend to be noisier. People are better able to participate in conversations, social settings, and activities. This helps people maintain social connection, enriching social engagement. 
  • Improves overall health: treating hearing loss also reduces a number of health risks. This includes cognitive decline, depressive symptoms, and falls. Treatment boosts brain health and increases spatial awareness as well as safety. 

These benefits enrich daily life, strengthen relationships, and allow people to live more actively. Treatment increases mobility and engagement as people are able to fully participate in everyday life. 

Prioritize Your Hearing Health Today

Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a hearing test. Having your hearing health comprehensively evaluated by a specialist is the first step towards treatment. We look forward to supporting you and prioritizing your health and wellness.