Hearing Loss Twice as Likely for Diabetics
Hearing loss has many well-known causes: excessive noise, otosclerosis, Meniere’s disease, and aging. Did you know that Diabetes is also a leading cause of hearing loss? Recent research has discovered that diabetics are about two times as likely to have hearing loss...
Hearing Loss Links You May Not Expect
You probably know what the common causes of hearing loss are. Loud noises, earwax build-up, aging and severe illness are all commonly-known causes of hearing loss. There are some lesser-known causes of hearing loss you may not know about, however. Here are a few....
Good News: Loop Systems are Becoming More Widely Available!
People with hearing aids sometimes struggle to hear well in public settings. Airports, busy office settings or movie theaters can become frustrating because of all of the background noise that can interfere with your hearing. Enter Loop Systems Some public venues have...