Why Hearing Issues Are Often Hidden
Many people with hearing difficulties choose to hide their condition. Several factors contribute to this behavior, with stigma and embarrassment among them. Admitting the inability to hear properly can make individuals feel vulnerable or less capable. Moreover, some...
The Impact of Ototoxic Medications on Hearing Health
Medications are designed to help our bodies heal and recover from illnesses. However, some of these medications can have unintended side effects, including damage to our hearing. Ototoxic medications, or drugs that can be harmful to the ears, may affect hearing...
Prioritizing Hearing Health for the New Year
Hearing health impacts communication, relationships, and quality of life. Thus, making it a priority in the new year can significantly enhance daily living. The ability to hear plays an integral role in how individuals engage with the world. Sound provides more than...
Supporting a Family Member With Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be challenging for everyone involved, not just the person experiencing it. However, understanding how to offer support can make a significant difference. If a family member suffers from hearing loss, learning effective ways to communicate and support...