Blog Page of Los Gatos Audiology
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Hearing Aids Tailored To Your Life!


Over 10,000 lives transformed
since 1996 in Silicon Valley

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Hearing Aids Tailored To Your Life!


Over 10,000 lives transformed
since 1996 in Silicon Valley

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Hearing Aids Tailored To Your Life!


Over 10,000 lives transformed
since 1996 in Silicon Valley

Los Gatos, CA, Audiology Blog

Renting Vs Buying Hearing Aids

Renting Vs Buying Hearing Aids

Hearing aids bring the sounds of life into clear focus. For those who need them, these devices significantly enhance their everyday experiences. However, deciding whether to rent or buy a hearing aid can feel like a tough choice. Both options have unique benefits and...

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Why Hearing Issues Are Often Hidden

Why Hearing Issues Are Often Hidden

Many people with hearing difficulties choose to hide their condition. Several factors contribute to this behavior, with stigma and embarrassment among them. Admitting the inability to hear properly can make individuals feel vulnerable or less capable. Moreover, some...

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Succeeding in the Workplace with Hearing Aids

Succeeding in the Workplace with Hearing Aids

Adapting to hearing aids can be challenging, especially in a dynamic workplace environment. However, with the right strategies and tools, thriving at work is entirely possible. One of the first steps toward workplace success with hearing aids is embracing the...

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Safe Driving Tips for Hearing Aid Wearers

Safe Driving Tips for Hearing Aid Wearers

Driving demands focus and attention, especially for those with hearing aids. With a few adjustments and proactive strategies, staying safe on the road is entirely achievable. Always make sure that one’s hearing aids are in good working condition. Regular maintenance...

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The Impact of Ototoxic Medications on Hearing Health

The Impact of Ototoxic Medications on Hearing Health

Medications are designed to help our bodies heal and recover from illnesses. However, some of these medications can have unintended side effects, including damage to our hearing. Ototoxic medications, or drugs that can be harmful to the ears, may affect hearing...

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The Hidden Dangers of Cotton Swabs for Ear Cleaning

The Hidden Dangers of Cotton Swabs for Ear Cleaning

Cotton swabs, also known as Q-tips, are commonly found in households around the world. Many people use them to clean their ears, believing they help remove earwax and keep ears clean. However, using cotton swabs in this way can be harmful rather than helpful....

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The Most Common Ear Infections

The Most Common Ear Infections

Ear infections often result when bacteria or viruses enter the ear. They can affect different parts of the ear, leading to different types of infections. Prompt identification and treatment of these infections can prevent more severe issues. Middle Ear Infections...

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Prioritizing Hearing Health for the New Year

Prioritizing Hearing Health for the New Year

Hearing health impacts communication, relationships, and quality of life. Thus, making it a priority in the new year can significantly enhance daily living. The ability to hear plays an integral role in how individuals engage with the world. Sound provides more than...

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Preparing Your Hearing Aids for Winter Holiday Activities

Preparing Your Hearing Aids for Winter Holiday Activities

The winter holidays bring joy, festivity, and a lot of social activities. Whether you're attending a family dinner, a winter concert, or a New Year's Eve party, ensuring your hearing aids are ready is essential. With colder weather, there's an increased need for care,...

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Can Earplugs Improve Your Sleep?

Can Earplugs Improve Your Sleep?

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for our health and well-being. However, many people struggle with sleep due to various distractions. Noise is one of the most common disruptions that can negatively affect sleep quality. Whether it’s traffic, loud neighbors,...

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