Hearing Aids & Artificial Intelligence | Los Gatos Audiology
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Hearing Aids Tailored To Your Life!


Over 10,000 lives transformed
since 1996 in Silicon Valley

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Hearing Aids Tailored To Your Life!


Over 10,000 lives transformed
since 1996 in Silicon Valley

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Hearing Aids Tailored To Your Life!


Over 10,000 lives transformed
since 1996 in Silicon Valley

What comes to mind when you think of Artificial Intelligence, or AI? You might think of SIRI on your smartphone, or self-driving cars. You may also think about the plot of a science fiction movie where advanced technology has taken over the country. Artificial Intelligence certainly isn’t advanced enough to take over the world, but it can be used to make your life better. In fact, some of our latest hearing aids use AI to help you hear better.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a technology that lets computers learn about your preferences, and can sort through a lot of information to save you time and energy. For example, AI is part of the software that helps Google maps find the best driving route to avoid traffic. It also plays a big role in filtering your email inbox and sorting your emails into top priority folders or sending a message to the spam folder.

Artificial intelligence can also remember choices you’ve made and use that information to perform better. For example, face recognition is a type of AI. When you tag a friend in your photos, the facial recognition program analyzes the face. The next time you upload a picture of that friend, the program will suggest tagging your friend.

What Does AI Have to Do with Hearing Aids?

Artificial Intelligence can help your hearing aids provide a better listening experience. To use AI, you’ll need hearing aids that can connect to your smartphone. This could be Bluetooth enabled hearing aids, or Made for iPhone hearing aids. Smartphones act like a computer, and you can run AI software with your hearing aids to get even more great programs and settings.

The biggest advantage of using AI programs with your hearing devices is that your devices can learn what programs you use the most, and remember your preferred settings. This will let your hearing aids adapt to help you hear even better.

Hearing Aid Programs and Artificial Intelligence

AI technology isn’t being widely used in the hearing aid world, but more hearing aid manufacturers are starting to design hearing aids that utilize Artificial Intelligence. These features let your hearing aids learn your preferences. When you adjust your volume or tweak the settings, your devices will analyze this change, and next time you’re in a similar environment, they can automatically adjust to match your listening preferences.

AI Improves Sound Quality

Artificial Intelligence can also improve the sound quality of your hearing aids. AI learns to mimic the natural sounds of the world around you. The hearing aids can analyze the sounds and deliver rich, nuanced sounds. Hearing aids with Artificial Intelligence will help you focus on speech and will reduce background noise, helping you hear more clearly.

Future Directions with Artificial Intelligence

Hearing aid manufacturers are just starting to scratch the surface when it comes to AI technology. There are many ways AI can be incorporated into hearing aids to make your life better. For example, some hearing and manufacturers are looking at creating hearing aids that can monitor your health. Just like a Smartwatch or Fitbit can read your heart rate or breathing rate, your hearing aids can do the same.

Hearing aids can monitor health measures better than a device that’s strapped onto your wrist. That’s because the ear is a great place to take more accurate measurements. This health monitoring program can send the collected information to your smartphone, so you can see information about your heart rate and breathing. You can even set the program to notify a family member if there is any abnormal breathing or changes in heart rate.

Los Gatos Audiology

Hearing technology continues to improve every year. If you’ve been noticing changes in your hearing health, this is the perfect time to invest in your hearing and discover what hearing aids can do for you. Find out if a hearing aid with AI is the right fit for you. Explore all your hearing aid options at Los Gatos Audiology. Your hearing aids aren’t going to take over the world any time soon, but they can help you hear all the sounds around you and enjoy every moment of your life with better hearing.