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Hearing Aids Tailored To Your Life!


Over 10,000 lives transformed
since 1996 in Silicon Valley

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Hearing Aids Tailored To Your Life!


Over 10,000 lives transformed
since 1996 in Silicon Valley

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Hearing Aids Tailored To Your Life!


Over 10,000 lives transformed
since 1996 in Silicon Valley

If you use hearing aids, you probably rely on them to help you navigate this world without having to rely on others. Hearing aids can make a huge difference in the quality of life for someone who suffers from hearing loss.

So, if something happens with your hearing aids and they are not working properly, you may panic and not know what to do.

Luckily, there are some common things that happen which are easily fixed. If you know what to do, you can have your hearing aids ready to go in no time without missing a beat!

Here are a few common issues that people experience with their hearing aids, and some simple solutions.

The sound is low, or it sounds distorted

One day you may insert your hearing aid and find that it isn’t loud enough, no matter the volume level. Here are a few things to check that may resolve the problem:

Check the battery. Corroded or damaged batteries will eventually affect the sound output. If you see corrosion, replace the batteries right away. The battery could also be old and may need to be replaced because it is drained.

Moisture can get in the hearing aids. Use a dehumidifier at night or even invest in a humidifier box specifically for hearing aids to protect your investment and prolong the life of your hearing aids.

Dust and lint can affect sound. Be sure to clean your hearing aids frequently because a build-up of debris can accumulate in the controls and affect the output. Rotate or switch all of the controls and reset them to make sure all dust is clear.

The program or volume could have been adjusted accidentally. Check your settings and ensure the program and volume are at a good level.

If none of this works you may want to schedule another hearing test just to make sure the issue isn’t with your ears.

There is no sound at all

If your hearing aid is not amplifying sound at all, check these possible issues:

The on/off switch could have inadvertently been pushed when the hearing aids were not inserted or as you were inserting them. Check to make sure it’s on.

Check the volume. The volume could be turned down accidentally in the same way, so adjust it accordingly.

Check the battery. If the battery is drained it will affect the sound. Replacing the battery may resolve the issue.

Check the receiver tube. If the battery is fresh and there is still no sound, the tube could be blocked and will need to be cleaned.

Check the microphone. The microphone can also get plugged with dirt or earwax, so that may need to be cleaned.

You’re getting feedback or a whistling sound

If there is feedback noise in your hearing aid, try these troubleshooting steps:

Take out the hearing aid and reinsert it. Sometimes the hearing aid is just not properly aligned with your inner ear, and simply removing it and trying again can fix the problem..

The earpiece may not fit correctly. You can replace the earpiece with one of a different shape or size and this could help.

Turn the volume down. Sometimes the volume is high and this results in feedback.

Check the tubing. The tubing can sometimes get cracks and they can be replaced.

Have your ears checked. Earwax blocking your ear canal can also cause feedback. You may need to have them cleaned by a professional.

The sound is inconsistent, or it cuts in and out

If the volume fluctuates or the sound seems to cut in and out, try these steps to fix it:

Switch the controls. Resetting everything to your preferences may fix the issues, as lint or dust can settle in the controls.

Check the battery. When the battery is low this issue can occur. Try replacing the battery.

Check the microphone, earpiece and tube. Dirt or wax can build up in these pieces and simply cleaning them out could resolve the issue.

If you are still having problems after all of this, check with your audiologist or hearing aid provider. Your hearing aid may still be under warranty, or it may need to be replaced if it is very old. You can also get a hearing screening to ensure your hearing has not changed since your last one.

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The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other topics related to audiology, feel free to contact Los Gatos Audiology, with a convenient hearing center located in Los Gatos, CA, by clicking here or by calling 408.703.0772.