Coming to Terms with Your Hearing Loss
If you’re not hearing as well as you used to, it can be hard to come to terms with your hearing loss. You’re no longer experiencing the world around you in the same way, and this can be scary. When you first realize you have a hearing loss, it’s completely...
Hypothyroidism & Hearing Loss
Many physical conditions affect not only your overall well being, but will also affect your hearing. For example, diabetes and heart disease can both lead to hearing loss. Did you know that hypothyroidism and other thyroid diseases are also linked to hearing loss?...
Hearing Aids Keep You Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy
Have you been thinking about getting hearing aids, but still feel on the fence about investing in hearing devices? You’ll be excited to find out that hearing aids keep you happy, healthy, and wealthy! Treating hearing loss with hearing aids has some major benefits to...
Tips for Better Hearing in Noise
Hearing loss was once thought of as an annoying part of getting older, or an unfortunate thing that happened to some people who spent a lot of time in noisy environments. While hearing ability would decline, people mostly considered this as an isolated annoyance,...